Help build a UK Labour Party Branch for the US, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

Being part of a branch gives you a voice as a Labour party member and makes Labour International a stronger organization. Enter your details below and we’ll let you know how to get involved in branch building.

More About Branches

As the Labour Party membership has grown, so has the number of Labour members and supporters outside the UK. International members have a key role to play in the party, providing input on policy, working with like-minded movements and politicians, and building international solidarity. The best way to get involved with this vital work is to join a Labour International branch. Strong branches mean a say for all overseas members in how we build a Labour party and United Kingdom for the many, not the few.

Joining a branch gives you a voice as a Labour party member and makes Labour International a stronger organization. Get Involved today and help build a fairer society.


Do I have to be a Labour party member to get involved?

To join or help build a branch you will need to join the Labour party. You can join here. Feel free to get in touch before you join with any questions. If you are not able to join the Labour party we would still like to hear from you and discuss ways we can work together.

What geographical areas will the Americas branch cover?

What if I am in a different area?

If you are not in any of the areas listed above you can find your local branch contact on the Labour International website.

Privacy Policy

This website does not place cookies on visitors’ computers or track visitors. Details entered into the contact form on this site are only used to contact you about the Labour Americas branch. You can opt-out of receiving emails at any time by emailing When you opt out, your email will be deleted from the Labour Americas branch contact list and you will not be contacted again unless you opt back in. Your details will not be shared with any third parties without your permission.

Missing Information

Thank You!

Many thanks for your interest in Labour Americas. We'll be in touch soon with details about how you can get involved in branch building.